Sunday, September 26, 2010

Better Late than never...

I decided that i am going to basically start writing on a quarterly basis, because that's about as much time as i want to dedicate to something that rarely gets read. The seasons and the changing of the seasons is for me a meaningfully way to denote the passage of time, so that when the updates will happen. Except i already missed the first day of autumn. Sept. 22 @ 11:09 eastern time was the big moment. The day and the night were even steven. now the darkness of night will triumph over daylight for the next few months.

This summer was pretty crazy on the vineyard. it was pretty much 80 plus work weeks fueled by a steady diet of Homebru-cha. Brewing kombucha is fun. right now i am drinking a white tea with pomegranate and chrysanthemum, i am getting ready to bottle a green tea with acai berry, and i am making the tea for a batch of black currant black tea and a batch of mint black tea, both of which will be ready in about a week. I found another gallon jar, so a third flavor may be in the works as well.

The one nice thing about the Flatbread here is that we share the building with a night club, so after a long day of work the party came to me. Black sheep, Arrested Development, Joe Pug, Grace Potter, and Ben Taylor with John Forte were the highlights for me.

Life on the vineyard is starting to slow down, as the season comes to an end. I actually get days off now, although i don't always feel like i can take the time off. When i'm in work mode i feel like i can focus on little else. This means there was not nearly enough bike riding and beach time as i would have liked, but there was some.

I am really excited about all the winter squash that is starting to show up in my csa farm share. i have a pair of delicata squash that i am hoping to use in a nice curry.

Albert and Jessica are coming for a visit in a couple of days with is really cool. Although they don't believe it, i do actually have time off to hang out which will be really nice.

I have just a little over a month left here, and i am planning on filling my off time with fall bike rides, yoga, cooking, and all the other stuff i haven't done in the last two to three months.

I'm not one hundred percent sure where i am going next, but there is potential for a very exciting winter....

talk to you on the shortest day of the year.

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