Monday, June 7, 2010

Clay Day! Clay Day!

Here's a self portrait of me in my birthday cowboy hat. Thanks again to Bert and guersh for that. We celebrated my birthday last tuesday. Just guersh, bert, lea, and me. The lovely ladies made me a carrot cake which was delicious and nutritious. It's got carrots in it, so it must be good for you, especially since it was vegan. Vegan equals good for you. Always. That was my prebirthday party. Here are some photos of the Oven at the newest Flatbread on Martha's Vineyard, which was built on my actual birthday. Multi colored clay is what's poppin'.

I was covered head to toe in clay, and i forgot my camera, so no in progress photos. This is the final product. Now we wait, and in 4-6 weeks pizza will be happening. I know some people think that Birthdays are suppose to be big parties, but mine came and went without all the hoopla and it was great. I pretty much just hung out with Lea all day, and weekend for that matter. I got some phone calls, helped build an oven, went out for dinner, strolled on the beach and ate vegan gelato. Actually, my whole weekend was pretty great, but now it's time to actually start working. I guess i shouldn't really be complaining since the last time i did any real work was over a month ago. I have lots of bike parts, which i am hoping will become fully operation cycling machines in the next couple of days.

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