Sunday, November 8, 2009

Making Plans

I'm always making big plans.... whether or not they actually come to fruition is another story. All the plans ever made that are not yet completed ebb and flow, with the addition of new big action. Some I make happen, but others just fade away or are replaced by the next big idea. I truly believe that all these plans will eventually happen. Every now again for no explicable reason, one of my schemes will seep out of the deep recesses of my mind. It starts as a passing thought, and snowballs into a near monomaniacal episode. This big plan will be all i can think about. I usually dream big, but that just means a larger disappointment when a plan doesn't activate. You see activation is really important, but won't happen if the right ingredients aren't present. The trick is getting all the right ingredients to make a life that's totally sweet.

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